Taking the next step in your faith journey.
Next steps
Whether you're ready to follow Jesus, or still questioning, you've come to the right place. Here are our recommended next steps that we'd encourage you to take to keep growing in your understanding of Jesus and what it means to be a disciple of Him.
Come Back Next Sunday!
Yes! When you stay connected with other believers and engage with Biblical teaching, it will help ground you in your faith. If you can't be with us in person, please join us online.
Develop the Habit of Bible Reading and Prayer
This is one of the best was to learn who God is and what He sounds like! You can download a Bible app for vour phone at bible.com/app or pick up a physical Bible for free from the church office. To get you started, you'll find a 7-day reading plan called "Beginning a Relationship with Jesus" on the Bible (YouVersion) app.
Attend a Newcomers Lunch
Every couple of months or so, we host a Newcomers Lunch to get to know you (and your family if they come with you). You'll have a chance to meet with our pastors and ask any questions you may have regarding discipleship, serving opportunities and programs we provide. It's a casual environment, and yes, lunch will be provided. Jesus loved to share a meal with friends, and we'd love to do the same to get to know you too! Keep an eye out on our event calendar or for an announcement in the BBC Weekly regarding when our next Newcomers Lunch will be held.
Join a Serve Team
Volunteering is rewarding, but it's also a great way to get to know people. We encourage everyone to get involved in serving - even if you're not sure about this church thing! It's a great way to help others get to know God and walk together in community.
Join a Discipleship Group
Church is more than just a Sunday morning, nor is it only a crowd gathered around a stage. Church is a group of people sharing something we all have in common: life. Our Discipleship Groups are one of the primary ways that we practice the way of Jesus, together, in and around Bonnyville.
Speak to our Pastoral Staff about Baptism
If you have made a decision to follow Christ, it’s time to consider taking your faith to the next stage. Whether you made that decision last night, last year, or maybe a long time ago – baptism is your next step! The purpose of baptism isn't to make you right with God, only faith in Christ does that, but baptism is the external symbol of the inward transformation that Christ has brought into your life. But it’s more than just a symbol... it’s a step of obedience in your own faith and you also build other people’s courage and faith in the process.