We believe that generosity is an act of worship. We want to be a church marked by generosity, and when you partner with us, we see God's Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.
Tithly (Secure Online)
You can give both a one-time or recurring donation via credit card at the link below:
You can send both a one-time or recurring donation via Interac E-Transfer to Please note in the comments where you’d like to designate your funds (general, Camp Shekinah, benevolence, worship etc.)
Please make a cheque out to “Bonnyville Baptist Church” and write your designation in the notes. Our mailing address is: Bonnyville Baptist Church, 4111 43 Ave, Bonnyville, AB, T9N 1S7
Debit / Credit (In-Person)
Locate our debit machine in the church foyer. Please put your receipt in an envelope, and if it’s your first time giving, jot down your address too.
Automatic withdrawal is now available! Download the pre-authorized debit (PAD) form and submit it to our office. Automatic withdrawls will be withdrawn on the last day of the month.
Note on giving: Gifts (as defined by the Canadian Centre for Christian Charities handbook) are tax-deductible and you will be issued a tax receipt in February of the following year. For more information on gifts and ways to give, you can contact our administrative coordinator at Please note that designated funds will be redirected where needed when no longer needed for the original designated purpose. (Charity #: 130525546RR0001)
Your generosity at work:
Camp Shekinah
Outreach Events
Children & Youth Ministries
Mission Trips
…and so much more!